Entry | Explanation |
B | Belgium (gl. nationsbogstav) |
B | Black |
B & K | Brix & Kamp, dansk maritim rådgivning, ålborg |
b to b | Both to blame (collision clause) |
B&W | Burmeister & Wain, København ( spøgende: Brok & Wirvar) |
B. | bugt |
b. | blød |
b.d.s. | Brokers daily statement |
b/d | Bar draught, Bankers draft, Barrels per day |
b/e | Bill of exchange, Bill of entry (customs) |
b/f | Brought forward |
b/h | Bill of Health, Bordeaux/Hamburg range of port, Barrels per hour |
b/p | Bill payable, Between perpendiculars, Brake power |
b4 | Before |
ba | British Admiralty, Buenos Aires, bale (capacity of vessel). |
BA | Bahamas (gl. nationsbogstav) |
BAC | Bergsøe Anti Corrosion, fremstiller zinkanoder til skibe |
BACAT | Barge Catamaran (startet af G.Drøshe i Rudkøbing 1970-erne) |
baf | Bunkers Adjustment Factor. A fuel surcharge expressed as a percentage added or subtracted from the freight amount, reflecting the movement in the market place price for bunkers. |
BAHO | The British Admiralty Hydrographic Office |
bal | Balance, ved optælling af tally mv. |
BAM | Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und Prüfung |
bar. | barometerstand |
bb | Ballast bonus, back to back, bulbows bow, break bulk, Bahia Blanca, below bridges el. bill book. |
bb. | bagbord |
bbb | Before Breaking Bulk |
bbfn | bye bye for now |
bbl | Barrel |
bc | Bulk carrier, British Columbia |
BC | Sub-Committee on Bulk Cargoes and Containers (IMO) |
BCH | Sub-Committee on Bulk Chemivals (IMO) |
BCL | Baltic Container Line |
BCR | Bow Crossing Range |
BCT | Bow Crossing Time |
bd ft. | Board foot (timber) |
bd. | bund |
bdi | Both days inclusive |
bdls | Bundles |
be | Both ends |
BEG | Begrænset certifikat som radiotelefonist |
beh | Basis empty holds |
beh. | beholdne |
BEI | Banque Europèenne d'Investment |
bell. | Fog bell |
BEM | Boundary Element Metode, ang. propellerblades idealisering efter deres faktiske geometri. |
best. | bestikket |
bfc | Baltimore form C (charter party) |
BFI | Baltic Freight Index |
BFO | Beat-Frequency-Oscillator |
bgd | bagged |
BGT | Baltic Gate Terminal, området ved Stignæs dybvandspier |
BH | Bahrain (gl. nationsbogstav) |
bhd | Bulkhead |
BHK | Bremsehestekræfter, mål for maskineriets effekt. En nyere betegnelse for effekten er kW (tusinde watt - 1 hk svarer til 736 watt - 0,736 kw) Bhp er den tilsvarende eng. betegnelse: brakehorsepower. |
bhp | Brakehorsepower |
bi | Dreje under for stormsejl, lægge skibet for små sejl i stormvejr |
bi bi | bye bye |
BIAC | Business and Industry Advisory Committee |
BICC | Bureau International Freight des Chambers de Commerce |
BIFA | British International Freight Assiciation |
BIMCO | The Baltic and International Maritime Council |
BIS | Bank of International Settlement |
BISCO | British Iron and Steel Cooperation |
Bj. | bjerg, bjergkæde |
Bk. | båke |
BL | Brasil (gl. nationsbogstav) |
bl. | blå |
BLG | Bremer Lagerhaus-Gesellchaft |
Blk. | blink |
BM | Beam. (bredde) |
BMI | Baltimore Marine Industries |
BMT | British Maritime Technology |
Bn | beacon (båke) |
Bns | beacon (båke) |
BOB | Bunker on Board (brændstofbeholdning om bord på skibet) |
BOFFER | Best offer (bedste tilbud, evnt på fragt af noget gods osv.) |
BOSVA | British Offshore Supply Ships Assiciation |
BOTB | British Overseas Trade Board |
BP | British Petroleum |
bpb | Bank Post Bill |
bpc | British Phosporus Commission |
BPO | Baltic Ports Organisations |
br | Bill Recievable, Bordeaux/Rouen, Builders Risk |
BR | Myanmarunionen (gl. nationsbogstav) |
BR | Black Red |
Br. | Breakers (brænding), bredde |
br. | bredde, brun |
BRB | Black Red Black |
brf. | breddeforandring |
BROA | British Rigowners Association. |
BROB | Bunkers remaining on board (brændstofbeholdning om bord) |
BRT | Bruttoregistertonnage |
Brt. | Bruttoregistertonnage, er et rummål, opgjort i Registertons à 100 eng. kubikfod = 2,83 kubikmeter. Brt. omfatter alle skibets lukkede rum med undtagelse af bl.a. dobbeltbundtanke og casinger. |
bs | Balance sheet, Bill of sale, bill of store, Boiler survey |
bsa | British Shipbrokers Assiciation |
BSC | Baltic Sea Commuters |
BSC | British Shippers Council |
bsea | Black sea |
BSH | Bundesamt für Seeschifahrt und Hydrographie. Udgiver søkort |
bsi | British Standard Institution |
BSS BSS 1/1 | Basis Basis 1 port to 1 port |
BT | Bruttotonnage, rummål omfattende samtlige skibets lukkede rum. Ny måleenhed vedtaget i 1969, som erstatning for Brt. (se dette) som fra 1994 gælder samtlige skibe.eng.: Gross tonnage. se også GT |
bt | Berth terms (specific liner terms) |
BT | Britsh Telecom |
BT | Brutto tonnage, se også under GT |
BT | Berth Terms |
BT | Bruttotonnage |
BTI | Burwain Tankers International |
btu | Bow thrust unit, British Thermal Unit |
bu | Bushel (eng. skæppe = 36,55 liter). |
Bu | Blue |
BU | Bulgaria (gl. nationsbogstav) |
BV | Bureau Veritas (Fransk) |
BV | Bremer Vulcan |
bwad | Brackish water arrivel draft |
bwsc | Baltic and White Sea Conference |
BWSC | Burmesiter & Wain Scandinavian Contactor |
bx | Box |
BY | Black Yellow |
BYB | Black Yellow Black |