Entry | Explanation |
a | Area, Aft |
A | Ampere |
A | Argentina (gl. nationsbogstav) |
A-mast | Andet navn for Bipod-mast, se dette |
a.b. | Able bodied, helbefaren sømand/matros |
a.o.e. | Any One Event |
a.o.r. | Any One Risk |
A/Amax | Klasseselskabers betegnelse ved skibes opdrift/flydeevne med frie væskeoverflader, især om ro/ro og passagerskibe. |
A/F | Also For (referring to port/s to be touched by ship). |
a/o | And/or, Account of |
a/r | All risk, against all risk |
a/s | Alongside, after sight, account sales |
A1 | Fist class condition |
aa | Always afloat, Always accessible, apparent altitud |
aaaa | Always afloat always accessible |
aar | Against all risk, All and any risk |
aara | Amsterdam-Antwerp-Rotterdam Area |
AAS | Aalborg Stålkonstruktioner |
ab | from |
ABB | Asea Brown Boveri, producent af bl.a. elmotorer, mmm. |
ABP | Associated British Ports |
ABS | American Bureau of Shipping |
abt | About |
AC | Alternate Current (vekselstrøm) |
Acc, a/c, act | Account |
ACH | Ateliers & Chantiers du Havre, Frankrigs 2.største værft (1998) |
ACID | ACoustical Imaging Development. (fjernstyringsteknik lånt fra rumfarten, kan bruges til fremstilling af nøjagtige kort over havbunden). |
ACO | Artic Container Operation, Samarbejder med RAL: Royal Artic Line |
ACOT | Advisory Committee on Offshore Technology |
ACP | Area Contingency Plan |
ad | after date |
Ad.val | According to Value (lat. ad valorem) |
ADB | Africa/Asian Development Bank |
Adcom | Address Commision |
AE | United Arab Emirates (gl. nationsbogstav) |
AE1 | Asia-Europe One (containerrute frs Asien-Europa med store containerskibe, 6000 teu`s |
AE1 | EU - FE, Europe - Far East, containerlinie under A.P.Møller |
AE2 | USA - Far East incl. Shanghai, containerline under A.P.Møller/Sealand |
aero | Aeronautical light |
af | Advance freight |
afaa | As Far As Applicable |
AFC | Automatic Fixing Cone, erstatning af twist-locks på containere. |
afdr. | afdrift |
aff. | affarende |
AFRA | Average Freight Rate Assessment |
AFRASEC | Afro-Asian Orginazation for Economic Cooperation |
Afsps | Arriving first sea pilot station (Norge) |
Aft (eng.) | Agter |
afv. | afvigelse |
AG | Arabian Gulf, tidligere kaldet PG: Persian Gulf |
AGW | All going well |
ah | Antwerp/Hamburg range, eller Aft Hatch |
ahk | AkselHesteKræft |
AHL | Australian Hold ladders |
AHTS | Arbejdsgiverforeningen for Handel & Transport |
AID | Agency for International Development |
AIMS | American Institute of Merchant Shipping |
AIMU | American Institute of Marine Underwriters. |
AIS | Automative Identification System. System der udsender skibes ID-signaler til andre radarer, VTS-anlæg osv., for identification. |
AL | Algeria (Algeriet) (gl. nationsbogstav) |
Al | Alternating (vekslende) |
AL.WR | Alternating light |
ALAMAR | Association Latinamericano de Armadores, latinamerikansk Rederforening. |
ALP 1 | Søværnets forkortelse af: Procedures for Logistic Support Between Nato-Navies and Naval Port Information. |
ALRS | Admiralty List of Radio Signals |
alt | Altered, Altitude |
alt. | altitude (højde) |
ALU-TUCP | Phillippine Seafare`s Union |
am | After Middnight, 0000 - 1200. lat. ante meridiem |
Am | Amber (ravgul) |
AMC | Aker Marine Contractors (Norsk). |
AME-service | Asia Mediteranean Northeurpe, (container-line) |
AMOSOP | Association of Marine Officcers and Seamens of the Philippines |
amp. | ampere |
AMPS | Automated Marine Propulsion Systems (hydraulisk styret fuel injector system). |
AMSA | Australian Maritime Safety Authority |
AMU | Arbejds Markedets Uddannelsesystem |
AMU | Asian Maritime University (Philippinerne) |
AMVER | Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System |
AN | Angola (gl. nationsbogstav) |
AND | Andorra (se også nationsbogstav) |
ANTHAM | Antwerp-Hamburg Range |
ANU | Antigua (gl. nationsbogstav) |
ANZDL | Australia New Zeeland Direct Line |
AO | After Office (efter lukketid). |
AODC | Association of Offshore Diving Contractors |
aoh/a.o.h. | After Office Hours (efter lukketid) |
AORE | Atlantic Ost Region |
ap | Additional Premium, All Purpose, Auto Pilot |
APL | American President Line |
APM | A.P.Møller, Arnold Peter Møller |
App. | apparante |
Apprx | Approximately |
ApS | Anpartsselskab, spøgefuldt: á prøver sgu |
aps | Arriving Pilot Station |
APS | Advanced Polymer Sciences (udvikling af topcoat i tanke). |
AR | (Egypten) (gl. nationsbogstav) |
ara | Antwerp/Rotterdam/Amsterdam - range |
ARAG | Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp-Gent Range |
ARAMCO | Arabian American Oil Company |
arb | Arbitration |
ARCC | Air Rescue Coordination Center (redningscentral) |
ARCS | Admiralty Raster Chart Service, se også under: ECDIS |
arnd | Around |
ARPA | Automated Radar Plotting Aids, elektronisk hjælpesystem ved afstand/retning ved radarnavigering. |
ArSiMa | Arbejds Sikkerheds Materiel |
artd | After right and true delivery |
asa | Always Safe Afloat |
ASA | Samoa (se også nationsbogstav) |
asap | As soon as Possible |
ASDIC | Anta Submarine Detection Investtigation Commitee, Akustik metode til opdagelse af undervandshindringer, ubåde, o.l. |
ASEAN | Association of South East Asian Nations |
ASF | Asian Shipowners Forum |
ASO | Arbejdsgiverforeningen for skib og Offshore (norsk). |
ASPH | Automatic Seaborne Pallet Handling |
ASRY | The Arab Shipbuilding and Repair Yard, Bahrain |
ASW | Anti Submarine Weapons |
ata | Actual time of Arrival |
ATA | Automatic Tracking Aid |
atc | Actual Time Counting |
atd | Actual Time of Departure |
atdn | Any Time Day or Night |
atdnhinc | Any Time Day or Night and Holidays Included |
ATG | Aarhus Transport Group |
ATI-terminal | Asian Terminals Inc. (Containerterminal i Manila) se også MICT |
atl | Atlantic |
ATOMOS II | Advanced Technology to Optimize Maritime Operationel Safety - Integration and Interface. (EU-projekt ang. styring/logistik indenfor skibsfart). |
ATT | Admiralty Tide Tables |
ATUTC | Actual Times Used to Count |
AUL | Artic Umiaq Line, tidligere KGH/KNI |
aux | Auxillaries |
awb | Air Way Bill |
AWES | Association of European Shipbuilders |
awslo | All Working Time Saved Loading Only |
AWT | Automated Water Treatment |
awtsbe | All Working Time Saved Both Ends |
awtsdo | All Working Time Saved Discharge Only |
azm. | azimut |