
Morgan-Giles Ltd.

Morgan-Giles Ltd. was a boatyard located in Kent, England, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The yard was founded 19 noiembrie 2015. Its activity ended 22 ianuarie 2019.

Boats manufactured by Morgan-Giles Ltd.
Tip ambarcaţiune ▼ An Categorie
West Channel Class2015-?Sailboat

Şantiere navale

Morgan-Giles Ltd. was a design bureau/team located in Kent, England, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

It was founded 19 noiembrie 2015. Its activity ended 22 ianuarie 2019.

Boats designed by Morgan-Giles Ltd.
Tip ambarcaţiune An Design Categorie
Essex One Design1919Dinghy
Estuary One Design1910Dinghy
Shannon One Design1920Dinghy
West Channel Class1949Sailboat

Designeri de yachturi