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Results 51-75 of 86
Boat type Year Length (m) Power (Hp) Price (GBP)  LocatedRef.
Laurin 31 19749.6239,562 DK89182
LM Mermaid 290 19869.02415,749  89928
LM Mermaid 315 19859.33023,061 DK89819
LM Mermaid 315 pæn båd 19859.32422,274 DK89645
Lynæs 18 19765.6 1,912  89670
Malø 40 19769.63621,936 DK89913
Mamba 31 19849.9 6,187 DK89883
Marieholm 28 19788.61911,137 DK89699
Mariner 36 198011.03329,491 SE89845
Matcher 31 19919.513814,624 DK89794
Maxi 84 19788.4155,512 DK82270
Maxi 84 19808.4137,312 DK89793
Maxi 95 19789.52514,624 DK89931
Maxi Fenix Dinette 19818.4139,562 DK89772
Møn 830 19858.3 14,061 DK89236
Najad 320 19859.72837,685 DK89906
Oe32 19769.94028,123 DK89723
Peti 19599.8 5,624 DK89507
Reimerskryssare (träsegelbåt) 194710.12016,220 SE89866
Safir 10 Meter 19789.8 4,724 DK89532
Scanmar 33 198310.12525,311 DK89650
Scanmar 345 198810.52833,186 DK89687
Shipman 19758.6184,950 FI 89790
Spidsgatter  26.0262,812 DK89527
Sportina 760 20058.11020,557 NL89125